Executive Forum II for 2019

The Executive Forum II for 2019 on the theme “Leading the Response to 111 National Day Address” scheduled for January 31-Ferbuary, 2019 is underway.

The Executive Forum is attended by 17 Executives – Government Secretaries, Commission Secretaries, Dzongdags and head of the autonomous agencies at the Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies, Phuntsholing.

Areas discussed during the session were; Highlights from His Majesty’s National Day Address, 12thFYP Framework and Implementation, Role of Executives in developing APA/APT, learning from the first two rounds of Moderation Exercise, Current Status of Finance, G Suite for Executives, proposal on civil services pay and perks, Status of Leadership Feedback System and score, Managing Feedback, Civil Service Statistic, Gender mainstreaming at Workplace etc.

The Executive Forum is used as a platform to discuss the issues pertinent to all civil service agencies. It is organized annually in two batches in order to have better interaction within smaller groups.

Hon\’ble Chairperson, Commissioners, Executives, Presenters and Critical Feedback Team
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