Director for the Department of Medical Services and Health Infrastructure, Ministry of Health selected

The RCSC is pleased to inform that vide the selection interview held on November 26, 2014, Sonam Jamtsho (9306020), Regional Director, Phuntsholing Regional Offices, Department of Revenue and Custom,Ministry of Finance has been selected as the Director for Department of Medical Services and Health Infrastructure, Ministry of Health

In line with section 13.7.21 of the BCSR 2012, the candidate is requested to submit following document to RCSC by December 24, 2014.

  1.       Â 1.No Objection Certificate from the Parent Agency
  2.       Â 2.Audit Clearance (Valid and original)
  3.       Â 3.Security Clearance Certificate (Valid and copy)

The candidate can email the documents Failing to submit the documents by deadline would result in the appointment of candidate next in line.

Executive Management Division


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