High-end course at IIM, Bangalore under ITEC Program

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that IIM, Bangalore will be organizing one-year High-end course on ‘PG Programme in Public Policy and Management’ at IIM, Bangalore from 18 March 2019 for five participants under ITEC program funded by Govt. of India. Course has been uploaded on the ITEC Portal (www.itecgoi.in) Course details and Procedure for applying is attached. 

Kindly note that the last date for submitting nominations is 14 February 2019.  

 Eligibility: Criteria prescribed by the donor/institutes Senior level government officers of  P1 and above

With a good working Knowledge of English and with the potential to rise in their hierarchies to top levels.

Following are the details:

  1. Course Content
  2. The procedure for applying training courses in ITEC

For any queries, please contact:

  1. Education Section, Embassy of India, Thimphu at Tel No: 02-339656

Sangay Yeshi or Passang Wangdi HRD Division of RCSC, Thimphu at 02-322491 (Ext. 231/223) during office hours.

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