Vacancies: BCSE-B.Ed. Graduates Examination 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of 279 slots for B.Ed. Graduates to be appointed on regular service in 2017.

 B.Ed. Graduates recruitment on regular service for 2017 
Sl. No Subjects Number of slots  Remarks 
 1 Dzongkha 50 For B.Ed. Dzongkha.
2. General 175 For B.Ed. Primary, B. Ed Secondary with English/History/Geography electives to teach Primary level.
 3 Math 7 For B.Ed. Secondary with Math elective.
 4 Science 35 For B.Ed. Secondary with Biology/Chemistry/Physics electives to teach Science in Lower Secondary level.
 5 IT 12 For B.Ed. Secondary with IT elective.
Total 279  



  1. B.Ed Secondary graduates who opt to teach General and Science in Primary and Lower Secondary levels shall be reflected as General Primary Teacher & Science Teacher respectively.


  1. Recruitment under contract shall be conducted by the Ministry of Education after the recruitment of the above vacancies.
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