The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in response to the request of the Royal Government of Bhutan conducted a Preparatory Survey from 18th to 22nd December, 2017  in respect of the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship referred to as the ‘JDS Project’.


The objective of the JDS project is to support the human resource development of the Japanese grant aid recipient countries targeting highly capable, young civil servants and others who are expected to engage in formulating and implementing social and economic development plans, and are expected to become leaders in their countries.


The Minutes of the Meeting on the JDS Project was signed between Dasho karma Tshiteem, Chairperson, Royal Civil Service Commission and Mr. Koji Yamada, Chief Representative, JICA Bhutan Office on 22nd December, 2017.


Under this project, the RGoB will receive nine (9) Masters Degree scholarships in various fields and one (1) Ph.D program every year and will be implemented from 2019 academic year.

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