Executive Transferred….. - April 15, 2016

As per the decision of 58th Commission Meeting held on April 13, 2016, Rinzin Penjore who was on Interim-Transfer with RCSC, is now transferred as the Director Read more..

Executive Transferred… - April 7, 2016

As per the decision of the 57th Commission Meeting held on April 5, 2016, Dr. Ugyen Tshewang who was on interim transfer with RCSC, is now transferred as the Director General for the Office of Consumer Protection Read more..

MSc Degree in Rehabilitation Science at Bangladesh Health Professions Institute - April 6, 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that the Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI) under Faculty of Medicine of the University, Dakha has offered 20 scholarships to pursue MSc Degree in Rehabilitation Science Read more..

Vacancy Announcement - April 1, 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the vacancy for the Director, Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. Read more..

Executives Transferred… - March 31, 2016

As per the decision of the Special Commission Meeting held on March 28, 2016,​Singye Dorjee, Director for SAARC Secretariat, Nepal is transferred as the Director General /EX2A of Department of SAARC & Regional Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Executives Transferred… - March 31, 2016

As per the decision of the Special Commission Meeting held on March 28, 2016,​Sonam Tshong, Former Ambassador, Royal Bhutan Embassy, Brussels is transferred as the Chief of Protocol/EX2A for Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs