Director for the Department of Bilateral Affairs, MoFA Appointed.., - March 4, 2019

As per the decision of 155thCommission Meeting held on February 14, 2019, Sonam Tobgay, Dy. Chief of Mission,Royal Bhutanese Embassy, Delhi,

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Selection Result for the Post of Director, Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture & Forests - February 27, 2019

Lobzang Dorji, Chief Forestry Officer, Forest Resource Management Division, Read more..

Selection Result for the Post of Director, Department of Information Technology & Telecom, Ministry of Information & Communications - February 27, 2019

Jigme Tenzing, Chief ICT Officer, Application Division, Read more..

Human Resource Officer Conference - February 26, 2019

A total of 103 Human Resource Officers from various Ministries, Autonomous Agencies, Dzongkhags Read More…

Secretary for MoWHS Appointed.., - February 20, 2019

As per Article 2 Section 19(p) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Chencho Dorji, Director General, Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority is appointed as the Secretary for the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement with effect from February 18, 2019

ALW: COACHING SKILLS FOR EXECUTIVES February 13-15, 2019.. - February 15, 2019

Action Learning Workshop (ALW): Coaching Skills for Executives scheduled for February 13-15, 2019 concludes today.  

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