Trongsa Penlop Scholarship for Teacher Development - March 20, 2020

The RCSC is pleased to announce the availability of 5 scholarships for Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching offered by His Majesty’s Secretariat at the Rangsit University, Thailand read more

Shortlist Announcement of Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship 2020 (Civil Service) - March 20, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates of Nehru Wangchuck Scholarship 2020-2021 read more

Executive Appointed - March 12, 2020

As per Article 2 Section 19(p) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Karma Tshering, Eminent Member, National Council is appointed as the Secretary for the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 

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“Final Result for the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid” - March 10, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that the following candidate has been selected against the slot which remained vacant after withdrawal by one of the selected candidates read more

Selection Result of Chief HR Officer and Dy. Chief HR Officer for RCSC Secretariat. - March 10, 2020

The following applicants have been selected as the Chief HR Officer and Deputy Chief HR Officer for RCSC Secretariat through an open competitive selection procedure held on March 4, 2020 read more

Shortlist Announcement for TICA Scholarship 2020 - March 6, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the list of shortlisted candidates for the TICA scholarship, academic year 2020 read more