Acting Secretaries Appointed - October 28, 2022

Acting Secretaries for the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance appointed.

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Executive Eligibility Assessment - October 20, 2022

Starting November 12, 2022, the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) will be conducting leadership assessment exercises for Officers in P1 Management (P1 M) position level as part of our process to identify potential candidates for Executive-level positions.

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Invitation of participants for Leadership Development Programme for P2 - October 18, 2022

The Royal Institute of Management (RIM) is conducting a Leadership Development Programme  (LDP) for civil servants in P2 level position of the Professional and Management Category  (PMC). This development program is conducted in collaboration with the Royal Civil Service  Commission (RCSC) read more

Developing Human Capability to Believe in Bhutan - October 14, 2022

An article on Developing Human Capability to Believe in Bhutan by Justin Allen and Dave Ulrich Read More

Press Release - October 2, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission, working closely with our executives, has submitted our report on restructuring the Civil Service to the Lhengye Zhungtshog. With approval accorded by the Lhengye Zhungtshog, we will be reorganising our Civil Service agencies into the following clusters: Read More:

Nurturing Leadership Program: An end to a new beginning… - September 28, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission partnering with the Ulrich Allen Leadership Capital launched the “Nurturing Leadership Program” for leaders in the Civil Service on October 19, 2021. The Commission has been working towards the Vision of “An engaged and responsive Civil Service accelerating and securing Bhutan’s status as a developed country” where one of the critical levers is strengthening leadership in the agencies. Towards this end, the Ulrich Allen Leadership Capital (UALC) was identified to carry out a one-year Project on leadership in the Civil Service.

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