SAARC Agricultural PhD Scholarship 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of SAARC Agricultural PhD Scholarship 2017 at SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Interested candidate may fill prescribed Application Form which is available at SAC’s website ( and submit the application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thimphu for onward submission to SAC within 30th of April, 2017.

For further details please visit or contact Director, SAC ( and Dr. W.A.R.T Wickramaarchchi, Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting and Program Development), SAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Telephone: +880-2-8141140, Fax: +880-2-9124596, Mobile: +880-1754696984, Email:

Kindly note that civil servants must fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed in the BCSR 2012. Therefore, please ensure (with respective agency or RCSC) your eligibility for study leave before applying for the scholarship.

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