The RCSC is pleased to announce the result for 2016 RGoB Scholarship at RIM
 Click Here for the Result
Selected candidates are requested to submit the following documents to the respective Ministries/Agency within five working days failing which the scholarship will be awarded to the next candidate:
- A. Admission Form Download Here
- B. Copy of Citizenship Card/Passport
- C. Copy of the proof of English language ability (ELPC)
- D. Copy of Security Clearance Certificate
- E. Copy of Audit Clearance Certificate
- F. Copy of Medical Fitness Certificate.
Respective Ministries and Agencies are further requested to upload the study proposal on CSIS of the selected candidates.
For further information, please contact Sonam Wangchuk, HRDD at 17944449 or Khandu Tshewang, HRDD at 322491(ext. # 229)