The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following details regarding the Main Examination of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2016:

Statistics of Candidates confirmed for Main Examination of the BCSE 2016: Click here
Date: September 30 – October 2, 2016

General Category (PGDPA/PGDFM/PGDE) Graduates
September 30, 2016: Paper I (Dzongkha Language)

October 1, 2016:

    1.  Paper II (English Language & General Knowledge)

October 2, 2016:

    1.  Paper III (Bhutan and its i) Socio-Political Institutions & ii) Socio-Economic Development since 1961

Dzongkha Category Graduates
September 30, 2016:

    1.  Paper I (Dzongkha Language & General Knowledge)

October 1, 2016:

    1.  Paper II (English Language & Current Affairs)

October 2, 2016:

    1.  Paper III (Buddhist Studies)

Technical Graduates
September 30, 2016:

    1.  Paper I (Languages & General Knowledge)

October 1, 2016:

    1.  Paper II (General Subject Knowledge)

October 2, 2016:

    1.  Paper III (Subject Specialization)

Reporting Time: 9.00 AM
Examination Start Time: 9.30 AM 

Procedure to download e-Admit card for Main Examination, including viva voce

Please note that e-Admit card for the Preliminary Examination and Main Examination are not same. Hence, candidates are requested to print the latest e-Admit card. In order to download and print the e-Admit card, kindly follow the following procedures:

    1. Please click on the link below:

Please sign in using your Citizenship Identity Card Number as user name and Date of Birth as password. This process is similar to how you logged in during e-registration for the BCSE. Once you have logged in, click on the \”PRINT E-ADMIT\” to download and print your e-Admit card as visible in the screenshot below.

Conduct of candidate:

    Click here

    Examination Venue:

        1. Click here for Technical Category – Bio-Science and Engineering graduates
        2. Click here for Technical Category – ICT, Law, Medical, Statistics, and Traditional Medicine graduates
        3. Click here for Dzongkha Category graduates
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