Announcement - October 5, 2020

The Construction Development Board is pleased to re-announce the post of Program Officer on lateral Transfer as detailed in the table below: Read More:

RCSC launches an exciting new professional development online platform; Mindtools….. - October 2, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to launch access to an online learning and development platform “Mind Tools” for a period of a year for strengthening management, leadership and personal excellence skills in the civil service. 

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Humphrey 2021 Scholarship Shortlist Announcement - September 30, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for Hubert Humphrey Fellowship 2021 read more

Postponement of US Fulbright Fellowship 2021 selection proceedings - September 25, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to inform that the US Fulbright Fellowship 2021 selection proceedings have been postponed until further notice read more

2020 Indian Administrative Service (IAS)/MPM Interview Result - September 25, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the interview result of 2020 Indian Administrative Service (IAS)/Masters in Public Management (MPM) which was held on September 25,  2020 as follows read more

SDGs Global Leaders Program under JICA Knowledge Co-creation Program Funding - September 21, 2020

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of scholarship (1 slot) for eligible civil servant to pursue relevant master programs in Japan under Government of Japan/JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program read more