Leadership Feedback for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022

With the completion of the fiscal year 2021-2022, the time to provide feedback to our supervisors/peers/subordinates is upon us.  Feedback is a critical component for personal development and professional growth.  By analysing  and reflecting on their feedback and developing themselves, we expect those in  leadership positions to deepen  their competencies  to be able to drive their agencies in  securing our national goals and objectives. 

Inline with RCSC’s efforts to continually improve our systems,  the Leadership Feedback System (LFS) has been enhanced with the following  features:

  • Feedback questions are now reduced to 20 from 50 to ease the administrative burden, and the details of Leadership Competency Framework are attached as separate documents for easy referencing;
  • For all eligible recipients i.e. Supervisors (P1 M, Executives and Specialist head), a dynamic dashboard to guide who to provide feedback is available which will be updated in real time;
  • An auto-email reminder from RCSC will be sent out to all Supervisors three days before the deadline to nudge compliance and prevent defaulters; and
  • All eligible recipients will receive an email with a report on consolidated feedback for the performance year, to ensure that they are aware and reference their LFS report.

Given the importance of feedback, Supervisors (P1 M, Executives and Specialist head) must provide feedback to  their peers, supervisor and subordinates (where relevant). With reference to the decision of the 144th Commission Meeting held on July 5, 2022, Supervisors (P1 M, Executives and Specialist head) failing to provide feedback to all their recipients will be subject to HR actions.   The deadline for providing feedback is July 25, 2022.

The Commission would like to urge all civil servants to provide honest and impartial  feedback  to drive change and as a crucial investment in developing and promoting leadership in the Civil Service.

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