WHO Health Emergencies Programme is announcing the vacancy for the post of Director (D2) of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Secretariat and is seeking applications from high-caliber individuals for this senior position.
The Board is a new structure co-convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank Group (WBG), as the successor entity to the UN Secretary-General\’s Global Health Crises Task Force. It is aimed at monitoring and holding the global community accountable for work related to emergency preparedness including capacity building, financing, research and development and other key components. The Board Secretariat leads in fulfilling this functions by preparing and convening Board meetings, producing and commissioning reports and research at the request of the Board, proactively maintaining communication channels with and on behalf of the Board and providing day-to-day monitoring and follow-up on Board priorities and recommendations.
More specifically, the Director will :
- Lead: the Board Secretariat in pursuing the overall goals of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, directing technical decision-making processes, carrying overall responsibility for the Board activities, and ensuring broad-based decision making for its day-to-day activities.
- Partner: represent the Board at the Executive Heads of Agency/Heads of State or Government level and at the Working Group level, proactively maintaining communication channels with the Board members, relevant parts of co-conveners WHO and the World Bank and other relevant partners and collaborators.
- Manage: ensure the effective and efficient management of the Board Secretariat.
Interested applicants can apply on WHO career website at: https://careers.who.int/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=1802909&tz=GMT%2B02%3A00Â before 23 August 2018.