Article Contest for TICA Alumni

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that there is a “Share it with TICA: Article Contest” on the topic related to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development. The contest is organized by the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) which aimed to reach out the TICA Alumni with a simple opportunity to share their experiences on the application of SEP in local context for sustainable development based on the knowledge gained during their previous participation in TICA’s training courses of all types.
The interested Alumni can contest and the article must be written in English or French with the words between 800 to 1000. Following would be the suggested content structure of an article:

1. What is your understanding about SEP?
2. How do you manage to apply SEP in your daily life and/or your work?
3. How do you think SEP and Sustainable development, as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), can be related?
4. How can you apply SEP to achieve SDGs in your local context?
5. What are your suggestions or initiatives related to the SEP application that you wish to propose to TICA?

The article must be submitted to by 31st March, 2018 along with your personal details (Name, position, organization, country, TICA course and year attended). Authors of the selected articles will be presented with TICA Award Certification and offered a fellowship to attend a short term training course related to SEP under AITC/TICA during June-December, 2018

Therefore, the RCSC would like to urge the TICA alumni to please take part in this writing competition.

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