Shortlisted Candidates for Trongsa Penlop Scholarship for Teacher Development (academic intake: August, 2017)

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the TPS scholarship, 2017 intake

Click here to view the shortlisted candidates

The selection interview (viva voce) is scheduled on 29th June, 2017 at the RCSC Conference Hall from 9 am onward. Therefore, please check your schedule (morning or afternoon) on the given day/date for the interview and report to the mentioned venue on time.

● The marks obtained during the shortlist shall not be carried forward to the final selection interview; and
● Result for the selection interview will be announced in the RCSC website on or before 30th June, 2017.

Contact Tshering Lhamo at 322491 (Ext. 117) for any query during office hour.

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