Leadership training

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Management has conducted five days Leadership training to the Sector heads of the Dzongkhags/Agencies with effect from June 12-16 at the Royal Institute of Management through the GoI- PTA fund for professionalizing the civil service.

The primary objective of this training is to ensure that the sector heads who hold key positions in the LGs/Agencies are equipped with the right competencies to lead and manage their staff efficiently and also to embed in them the basic competencies in becoming an effective leader.

The training was attended by 39 Participants with majority of the participants from the five Western Dzongkhags namely Paro, Chukha, Wangduephodrang, Gasa and Punakha. Similar Leadership training was conducted for the Sector Heads of Eastern and Central Dzongkhags at Mongar and Samdrupjongkhar respectively.

The RCSC would like to wholeheartedly thank the Government of India for their generous funding support through the PTA projects for implementing such important trainings programs.


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