Project “Civil Service Reforms for Excellence in Public Service Delivery” between Government of Austria and Royal Government of Bhutan signed..,

The Grant Agreement (Contact no: 2783-00/2016) for project “Civil Service Reforms for Excellence in Public Service Delivery (Phase II)” was signed on 25th May 2017 in Thimphu between Dr. Johannes Binder, Resident Coordinator, Austrian Coordination Office, on behalf of Government of Austria and Mr. Thinley Namgyel, Secretary GNHC Secretariat, on behalf of RGoB.

With the signing of the grant agreement for this Phase II, Government of Austria committed to continue support with assistance up to EUR 380,000 (Euro Three Hundred and Eighty Thousand only) towards facilitating Royal Civil Services Commission for realizing professional and quality public service delivery through Civil Service Reforms for Excellence.

The main outcome of the project will be professional and quality service delivered by the civil servants resulting in positive behavioral change leading to enhanced services delivery. The main outputs will be the Managing for Excellence – new Performance Management System, which will be firmly institutionalized; Succession Planning and Leadership Development System (SPLD) developed and institutionalized; the Bhutan Civil Service Examination Selection process improved/enhanced, and Civil Service wellbeing Program institutionalized. The reforms are aimed at reviewing Chapter 12 and 13 on Performance Management System and Promotion; and Chapter 7 on Bhutan Civil Service Examinations of the Bhutan Civil Service Rules & Regulations (BCSR). Two new chapters one on Executives and another on Civil Service Wellbeing will be included in the revised BCSR 2017. The commitment is in line with the one of the priority areas – human resource capacity development which was highlighted by Government of Austria during the 13th Round Table Meeting held this year in Thimphu.

The support (Phase II) will cover the implementation of the project “Civil Service Reforms for Excellence in Public Service Delivery” from April 1st 2017 to 31st December 2018.

The first phase of the project which was completed on 31st December 2016, a draft PMS framework was developed and pilot tested with all 65 agencies. The PMS has been renamed as the Managing for Excellence (MaX) and was rolled out to 65 agencies with effect from July 1, 2016. MaX online system was developed and launched on February 15, 2017. In addition, 151 Executives were provided leadership training and an online leadership feedback system has been developed for continuous assessment of the performance of managers.