The primary objective of the Workshop is to update the BCSR 2012 to resolve issues such as contradicting clauses and obsolete/vague clauses.
Therefore, to align the existing BCSR in line with the RCSC’s reform initiatives; and vision and mission, a three-day workshop on “Enhancing Human Resource Services” was held from 10-12 April, 2017 at Conference Hall, Regional Revenue and Customs Office, Gelephu. The opening ceremony of the Workshop was graced by Hon’ble Chairperson of the Royal Civil Service Commission. About 87 Human Resource Officers from across the civil service agencies attended the workshop. The deliberations of the Workshop focused on the followings:
1. Role of Human Resource Officers such as being a strategic partner, administrative expert, change agent, employee champion, and integrity advocate.
2. Discussion on the delegation of HR functions from HR Committee to HR Division to ensure fast, efficient and effective HR services delivery.
3. Protection of civil servants under Civil Service Rules and Regulation and Civil Service Act of Bhutan.
4. Orientation on new changes made in the Civil Service Information system (CSIS). The enhancement of system is to ensure enhancement of HR Service delivery.
5. Orientation on 12th FYP Guideline; RCSC’s 12 FYP and APT; and alignment of Human Resource Officer’s Individual Workshop Plan with RCSC’s APT.