Invitation of Sealed Quotation


The Secretariat of the Royal Civil Service Commission invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers for the supply of following office suppliers and service for the financial year 2014-2015 as detailed below.

1. Supply of office stationery

2. Supply of office furniture / equipment/ carpet

3. Supply of computer accessories

4. Supply of electrical items

5. Annual maintenance / repair / supply of spare parts of office vehicle

6. Catering meals and snacks (From hotels/ restaurant)

Tender documents can be purchased from the Administration and Finance Services, RCSC on cash payment of Nu. 500/- (non-refundable) on any working days with effect from 04/08/2014 to 3/09/2014.

For further information please contact Administration & Finance Services at 332472/322491 (Ext-126).

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