The Leadership Capability Framework (LCF) was developed to ensure that Bhutan’s civil servants in leadership roles possess the competencies needed for effective leadership. This framework outlines the behavioral traits and capabilities expected of leaders, enabling assessments to gauge whether civil service leaders meet these standards. Additionally, it serves as a guide for targeted human resource development (HRD) to nurture future leaders.
Core Leadership Foundations
The LCF is built on three core abilities that serve as the foundation for effective leadership:
For better understanding of these basic foundations, these are further divided into five corresponding capabilities and 20 related competencies as follows.

Capabilities and Competencies
These three foundational abilities are expanded into five capabilities and 20 specific competencies. Each competency is detailed to include descriptions and behavioral traits that demonstrate the desired leadership qualities in practice.
This framework thus provides both a structure for leadership evaluation and a developmental roadmap to foster competent and effective leadership within Bhutan’s civil service. The description in detail is as follows:
Areas of capabilities and related competencies
1. Strategic View
1.1. Inspires a sense of purpose and direction (3)
Behavioral indicators (82)
1.1.2 Builds a sense of shared purpose and direction by actively promoting the vision and creating alignment of goals.
1.1.1 Champions the vision and communicates the way forward. Encourages others’ input to strategic plans.
1.2. Focuses strategically (3)
Behavioral indicators (82)
1.2.2. Consults with key stakeholders to assess the key issues of the organization to develop solutions with long-term viability for the organization.
1.2.1. Establishes and aligns core business areas of the organization with national development priorities.
1.3. Harness Information and Opportunities (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
1.3.2. Recognizes and mitigates threats to the achievement of organization’s target
1.3.1. Identifies critical information gaps, and ensures required information is obtained/ provided.
1.4. Shows judgment and intelligence (5)
Behavioral indicators (82)
1.4.3. Generates innovative solutions to effectively resolve complex problems that may not have been experienced previously.
1.4.1. Weighs up options and applies sound judgment to develop realistic solutions for the organization.
1.4.2. Anticipates problems and addresses them quickly. Develops strategies and thinks through contingencies to manage long-term and strategic risks
2. Achieves Results
2.1 Builds organizational capability and responsiveness (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
2.1.1. Identifies and nurtures talent. Provides talented people with access to targeted and ‘stretch’ development opportunities.
2.1.2. Takes steps to ensure the provision of prompt, efficient and responsive client service personally, and through effective resource management.
2.2. Taps professional expertise (2)
Behavioral indicators (82)
2.2.1. Anticipates conflict and uses appropriate strategies to resolve conflict when it arises
2.2.2. Models effective team working behaviors. Works collaboratively and cooperatively and reward those behaviors in others.
2.3. Steers and implements changes and deals with uncertainty (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
2.3.1. Capitalizes on the diversity present in the organization. Harnesses different viewpoints.
2.3.2. Anticipates when different stakeholders may clash due to differing views, cultural perspectives or drivers. Adopts strategies to address these.
2.4 Ensures closure and delivers on intended results (5)
Behavioral indicators (82)
2.4.1. Engages in activities to maintain optimism and enthusiasm. Implements formal and informal team- building activities.
2.4.2. Makes time for people despite competing priorities, particularly when people are challenged or during difficult times.
2.4.3. Makes effort to minimize waste of the national and Agency’s resource
3. Cultivates Productive Working relationships
3.1 Nurtures internal and external relationships (5)
Behavioral indicators (82)
3.1.1. Proactively builds cross- agency relationships. Establishes cross-agency approaches to address issues.
3.1.2. Encourages key stakeholders to work together. Recognizes, and capitalizes on opportunities for mutual benefit
3.2 Facilitates cooperation and partnership (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
3.2.1. Consults broadly to obtain buy-in. Shares information and facilitates the exchange of information by maintaining open communication channels.
3.2.2. Overcomes organizational silos. Facilitates cooperation between organizations by sharing information.
3.3 Value individual difference and diversity (3)
Behavioral indicators (82)
3.3.1. Overcomes organizational silos. Facilitates cooperation between organizations by sharing information.
3.3.2. Maintains an awareness of the personalities, motivations and other diverse qualities of people, and uses this to enhance interactions.
3.4 Guides, mentors and develops people (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
3.4.1. Sets performance standards and conducts regular reviews. Identifies and constructively addresses under-performance.
3.4.2. Delegates responsibility for work appropriately and provides people with opportunities to take ownership. Provides people with the opportunity to build their capability.
3.4.3. Provides clear, constructive and timely feedback (both positive and negative) in a manner that encourages learning and achieves any required resolution.
4. Exemplifies personal drive and integrity
4.1 Demonstrates public service professionalism and integrity (6)
Behavioral indicators (82)
4.1.1. Adheres to the Civil Service Values and Code of Conduct and consistently behaves in an honest, ethical and professional way
4.1.2. Remain apolitical and uphold political neutrality of Civil Service at all times
4.1.3. Is punctual and regular at work
4.1.4. Honestly and Voluntarily declares Conflicts of interest
4.2. Engages with risk and shows personal courage (6)
Behavioral indicators (82)
4.2.1. Provides forthright and impartial advice in a constructive manner that facilitates the achievement of government outcomes.
4.2.2. Makes decisions for the organization’s good without favoritism or bias. places the aims of the organization above personal ambitions
4.2.3. Treats people fairly and equitably and is transparent in dealings with them.
4.2.4. Openly communicates and provide feedback if what his superiors and colleagues/subordinates do or say is professionally or morally unacceptable
4.2.5. Takes ownership for decisions and accepts responsibility when things go wrong. Learns from mistakes.
4.2.6. Seeks advice and guidance
4.3 Commits to Action (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
4.3.1 Strives to achieve targets and maintains focus on long-term outcomes
4.3.2 Gets involved and galvanizes others to act to deliver key results for the organization.
4.4 Displays resilience (3)
Behavioral indicators (82)
4.4.1. Stays in control of emotions and does not react negatively to stress or pressure. Remains relaxed, composed and focused during a crisis.
4.4.2. Maintains an optimistic outlook and focuses on the positives in difficult situations.
4.5 Demonstrates self-awareness and commitment to personal development (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
5. Communicates effectively
5.1. Communicates clearly (3)
Behavioral indicators (82)
5.1.1. States the facts clearly. Outlines the implications and ensures key conclusions are conveyed.
5.1.2. Engages the audience. Uses anecdotes and stories to illustrate key points and bring messages to life.
5.2. Listens, understands and adapts to audience (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
5.2.1. Maximizes personal communication strengths and takes into account shortcomings.
5.2.2. Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of others’ comments by listening, asking clarifying questions and reflecting.
5.3. Negotiates persuasively (4)
Behavioral indicators (82)
5.3.1. Pitches messages in a way that facilitates the desired outcomes. Uses techniques to illustrate the argument persuasively
5.3.2. Acknowledges differences of opinion and addresses disagreements objectively.
5.3.3. Offers a convincing rationale and makes a strong case, without getting personal or aggressive.