Vacancies Announcement

Vacancy Re-Announcement for the post of Chief HR

The Royal Civl Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for the posts of Chief HR Officer as detailed below: Read more…


Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship Announcement

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of scholarship (5 slots) for civil servants under Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship for 2019-20 intake as follows: Read more…

Vacancy Announcement- Chief HR Officer

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the vacancy for the posts of Chief HR Officer as detailed

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Prioritized vacancy for Education Service (PGDE and B.Ed)

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the details of the vacancies for the Education Service (BCSE 2018 selected B.Ed graduates and BCSE 2017 selected PGDE graduates) for appointment on 1st January 2019; Read more..

Vacancy Announcement at Radiocommunications Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the availability of the post of Deputy to the Director at Read more..

International Professional Vacancies at the World Health Organization

World Health Organization is sharing the list of vacancies published during the last week on their website .   Read more..

International Professional Vacancies at the World Health Organization

World Health Organization is sharing  the list of vacancies published during the last week on their website .   Read more..

Vacancy Announcement- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

The Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is announcing the following positions in the Attribution Team at the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW: Read more..

Vacancies at WHO

The Royal Civil Service Commission  would like to share the list of vacancies published during the last ten days on the website of the World Health Organization.   Read more..

Vacancy Announcement (Personal Asst.III and Adm Asst.III)

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to invite interested Bhutanese citizens to apply for post of  Personal Asst.III and Adm Asst.III. Read Details