Executive Promoted…, - January 8, 2018

In line with the decision of 120th Commission Meeting held on December 25, 2017, Lekzang Dorji, Director/EX3 A for Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Ministry of Finance Read more..

Oath taking ceremony for the new Professional and Management Category Recruit - January 1, 2018

The Oath taking ceremony for graduates, who have been selected through Bhutan Civil Service Examination and being placed in the Civil Service effective from 1st January, 2018 was held in Convention Centre of the Royal University of Bhutan on 1st January, 2018. Read more..

Specialists Promoted with effect from January 1, 2018 - December 28, 2017

In line with the decision of 120th Commission Meeting held on December 25, 2017, seven specialists were promoted. Read more..

Meritorious & Fast Track Promotion - December 25, 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission during its 120th Commission Meeting held on December 25, 2017 approved the following promotions with effect from January 1, 2018: Read more..

The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship - December 22, 2017

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in response to the request of the Royal Government of Bhutan conducted a Preparatory Survey from 18th to 22nd December, 2017  in respect of the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship referred to as the ‘JDS Project’. Read more..

Royal Civil Service Award - December 18, 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission in keeping with the Royal Command has awarded 2892 Royal Civil Service Award this year to the Civil & Public Servants for their dedicated service to the TSA-WA-SUM. Tashi Delek to all recipients. Read more..