5th Human Resource Conference - March 19, 2018

The 5th Human Resource Conference on the theme “Better Civil Service for a Brighter Future” was held from 12-14 March 2018 at Sonamthang Central School, Panbang Dungkhag with 104 participants from 65 agencies. Read more..

Consul General for Royal Bhutan Consulate, Guwahati Appointed - March 7, 2018

As per Article 2 Section 19(o) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Phub Tshering, Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Bumthang is appointed as the Consul General for Royal Bhutan Consulate, Guwahati, India, Ministry of Foreign Affairs with effect from February 15, 2018.

MoWHS Secretary Superannuates… - March 5, 2018

Dasho Phuntsho Wangdi, Hon’ble Secretary for the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement superannuates as a Government Secretary as of March 1, 2018 after 33 years and 11 months of dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum. Read more..

Article Contest for TICA Alumni - February 15, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that there is a “Share it with TICA: Article Contest” on the topic related to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development. Read more..

Executive Forum II 2018 with the Theme Civil Service Leadership underway.., - January 26, 2018

The Executive and Specialist Management Division is conducting Executive Forum II themed “Civil Service Leadership” at the Tashi Namgay Grand, Kharbandi, Phuntsholing from 25-26, 2018.The two-day Forum is attended by the Head of Agencies Read more..

Executive Forum I 2018 with the Theme Civil Service Leadership underway.., - January 22, 2018

The Executive and Specialist Management Division is conducting Executive Forum I themed “Civil Service Leadership” at the Tashi Namgay Grand, Kharbandi, Phuntsholing from 22-23, 2018. Read more..