The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce that the Lee Kuan Yew School is has opened the application round for 2018 intake to enroll in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Master degree programmes.   Read more..

MBA Course under the RGoB Scholarship at RIM 2018 intake

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce and invite the applications for MBA
Course under the RGoB Scholarship at RIM 2018 intake. Read more..

International IT Policy Program (Master’s/PhD) under Seoul National University’s Scholarship

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of scholarship under the Seoul National University (SNU), Republic of Korea to pursue Master/PhD in IT fieldsRead more

Vacancy Announcement

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for the following post as detailed below Read more

Master’s Programs under Colombo Plan Secretariat and KDI School Scholarship (12 months)

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that the Colombo Plan Secretariat and KDI School is offering Scholarship to the Colombo Plan member countries to pursue following Master degree (12 months) during academic intake 2018 (February)Read more

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for 2018-2019 (PhD, Post Doctoral and Research)

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for 2018-2019 are now open. Read more..

Results for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship 2018-19

The RCSC is pleased to announce the Selection interview result held on August 24, 2017 for the Humphrey Fellowship. Read more..

Master’s Program at GRIPs

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for Master’s degree as follows: Read more

Scholarship Announcement (OISCA) 2018

The RCSC is pleased to announce availability of agriculture and environment related training programs from The Organization for Industrial Spiritual and Cultural Advancement International Read more

Deferment of Shortlist Announcement for the Government of Japan (MEXT) Scholarship (2018)

The RCSC regrets to inform that the announcement for shortlisting of candidates for the Government of Japan (MEXT) Scholarship (2018) is deferred due to unavoidable circumstances. Read more..