Press Release - December 20, 2021

Accountability is the main driving force to fundamentally reshape the civil service into an efficient and effective institution that delivers our national objectives. The RCSC remains committed to meeting the aspirations of His Majesty the King to “boldly embrace accountability as a measure of our service” as commanded during the 114th National Day.

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Reprioritized vacancies for BCSE 2021 GDMO - December 20, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the reprioritized vacancies for General Duty Medical Officer (Technical Service).

The vacancies have been reprioritized based on the outcome of the Main Examination of BCSE 2021 and in line with the urgent need of GDMOs in the priority hospitals and BHUs.

The details of the vacancies with place of posting are as specified in the table below: Read More:

Exit Ceremony conducted….. - December 16, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission conducted exit ceremony to express our deep gratitude to the Honourable Dashos for their distinguished service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum . In a simple commemorative ceremony, the RCSC had the honor to proffer the following upon their superannuation from the Civil Service. Read More:

BCSE 2021: Selection and Placement - December 14, 2021

The selection and placement of the candidates who have appeared the BCSE 2021 for the recruitment into the Civil Service shall be based on the following: read more

BCSE 2021: PGDE and B.Ed. Secondary Details - December 14, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to share the comprehensive PGDE and B.Ed Secondary result of the BCSE 2021 (50% and above in M.E.) for reference of the candidates. read more:

Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2021 – Main Examination Result - December 14, 2021

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the result of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2021 – Main Examination. Read more…