Re-announcement: Indian Audit & Accounts Service (IAAS) 2022 - June 15, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Audit & Accounts Service Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Re-announcement: Indian Administrative Service (IAS) 2022 - June 15, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Administrative Service/Master of Public Management scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Re-announcement: Indian Forestry Service (IFS) 2022 - June 15, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Forestry Service

Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Re-announcement: Indian Revenue Service Scholarship (IRS) 2022 - June 15, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Revenue Service (Tax & Custom) Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Executives Transferred…. - June 15, 2022

In line with the Decision of 142nd Commission Meeting held on June 7, 2022, following executives are transferred with effect from June 15, 2022: 

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Press Release on Re-organisation of the Civil Service Agencies - June 10, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) has been working closely with our executives to accelerate efforts to transform the Civil Service. We will be reorganising Civil Service agencies and increasing our use of technology so that we can better serve the public. Read More: