Indian Revenue Service Scholarship (IRS) 2022 - May 10, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Revenue Service (Tax & Custom) Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Indian Audit & Accounts Service (IAAS) 2022 - May 10, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Audit & Accounts Service Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Indian Forestry Service (IFS) 2022 - May 10, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Forestry Service

Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) 2022 - May 10, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2022 Indian Administrative Service/Master of Public Management scholarship under Government of India funding. Read More:

Re-announcement of Government of India (RGoB Scholarship) for 2022 intake - May 3, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the availability of scholarship (4 slots) for the civil servants under the Government of India (RGoB Scholarship) for 2022 intake as follows: Read More:

Recruitment through Open Competition to remain in Abeyance till further notice - April 29, 2022

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is working closely with our executives to accelerate efforts to transform the Civil Service. These efforts will result in a fundamental shift and overhaul of manner in which we deliver public services for our people, and how we organize our Civil Service agencies to do so. Read More: