Deferment of Shortlist Announcement and Interview Schedule for RGoB Scholarship, RIM - January 14, 2015

The RCSC regrets to inform that the announcement for shortlisting of candidates and Read more..

Air Ticket Quotations - January 12, 2015

RCSC/Adm. (36) 2014-2015/

The RCSC Secretariat invites sealed quotations from the registered Travel Agents for providing Air ticket of most direct and economic routes from the following sectors on the given dates: Read more..

Ex and ES promotion - January 5, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission during its 17th Commission Meeting held on December 23, 2014 was pleased to promote six Executives and six Specialist with effect from January 1, 2015
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Air Ticket Quotations - January 5, 2015

RCSC/Adm. (36) 2014-2015/

The RCSC Secretariat invites sealed quotations from the registered Travel Agents for providing Air ticket of most direct and economic routes from the following sectors on the given dates: Read more..

Final prioritized vacancy for PGDPA, PGDFM and PGDNL 2014 - December 24, 2014

Click Here for PGDFM
Click Here For PGDNL
Click Here PGDPA

Australia Awards Scholarships – Intake 2016 - December 22, 2014

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) would like to inform all interested and eligible Bhutanese that the online application round for the Australia Awards Scholarships for Intake 2016 will open from 1 February 2015 to 30 April 2015 (5 p.m. BST). Read more..