Notification - October 29, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission during its 43rd Commission Meeting held on October 6, 2015 decided that the appointments in the Civil Service for all categories of positions should take place with effect from 1st January of each year Read More

Air Ticket Quotations - October 28, 2015

RCSC/Adm. (36) 2015-2016/

The RCSC Secretariat invites sealed quotations from the registered Travel Agents for providing Air ticket of most direct and economic routes from the following sectors on the given dates: Read more..

Re-Announcement on the North South University (NSU), Dhaka, Bangladesh Scholarship - October 27, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is pleased to re-announce the availability of one full scholarship under the North South University(NSU) Read More

Shortlisted Applicants for Executive Secretary, Thimphu Thromde - October 19, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that ten (10) applicants are shortlisted for the post of Executive Secretary, Thimphu Thromde. Results of shortlisting are notified through email. Read more..

Air Ticket Quotations - October 12, 2015

RCSC/Adm. (36) 2015-2016/                                                                                                                                                                                   October 12, 2015
The RCSC Secretariat invites sealed quotations from the registered Travel Agents for providing Air ticket of most direct and economic routes from the following sectors on the given dates: Read more..

VIVA VOCE SCHEDULE OF BCSE 2015 - October 11, 2015

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the details for VIVA VOCE of the BCSE 2015: Read More