Appointed Paro Dzongdag…., - June 10, 2016

As per Article 2 Section 19(q) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, His Majesty the King has appointed Tenzin Thinley, former Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Dagana as the Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Paro Read more..

Bhutan Executive Services Training (BEST) IV - June 6, 2016

A total of 14 Executives and 4 Specialists from various Ministries, Agencies and Dzongkhags are currently undergoing Bhutan Executive Services Training (BEST) held at the Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies, Phuntsholing from June 5 to 18, 2016, under the funding of the Austrian Development Agency. Read more..

Teachers shortlisted for Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching under the Trongsa Penlop Scholarship 2016 (August intake) - June 6, 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that, 15 Primary Teachers have been shortlisted for the Trongsa Penlop Scholarship 2016, August intake Read more

Result of GoI Scholarship in Master of Arts in Mahayana Buddhist Studies - June 6, 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the Result of GoI Scholarship in Master of Arts in Mahayana Buddhist Studies View Result


The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the schedule for verification of documents and confirmation of candidature for the BCSE 2016 Main Examination. Candidates are requested to strictly adhere to their respective schedule to enable the officials to execute the exercise smoothly. Read more..

BCSE Performance Report - June 3, 2016

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to publish report on performance of graduates from different institutes in BCSE 2011-2015 Read more