Workshop on “Enhancing Human Resource Services” - April 12, 2017

The primary objective of the Workshop is to update the BCSR 2012 to resolve issues such as contradicting clauses and obsolete/vague clauses. Read more..

IDEAS Scholarship 2017-2018 - April 12, 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is pleased to announce the availability of short-term training (Post Graduate Diploma) under the Institute of Developing Economies Advanced School Read more

2018 Fulbright Master Fellowships - April 11, 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is pleased to announce the availability of 2 (contingent on funding) scholarships for Master’s degree Read more

Masters/Post Graduation in the School of Ecology & Environmental Studies and School of Historical Studies at Nalanda University, Bihar, India - April 11, 2017

The RCSC is pleased to announce that the Government of India is offering two scholarships for the academic year 2017-18 to Bhutanese  Read more

Shortlisted Candidates for GoI Scholarship - April 11, 2017

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the GoI/RGoB scholarship for Master of Arts in Mahayana Buddhist Studies, 2016-2017 Read more


The Secretariat of the Royal Civil Service Commission invites sealed bids from eligible IT firms for the re-vamping of RCSC network
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