Vacancy Re-announcement - May 11, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for Chief HR Officer. Read more..

2018 Indian Forestry Service (IFS) - May 4, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2018 Indian Forestry Service Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read more..

2018 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) - May 4, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2018 Indian Administrative Service Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read more..

2018 Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - May 4, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2018 Indian Revenue Service Scholarship under Government of India funding. Read more..

Executive Roundtable 2018 underway….., - May 3, 2018

The Executive & Specialist Management Division, RCSC is conducting one-day Executive Roundtable 2018 at the Chuniding Resort, Serbithang. The Executive roundtable is attended by 46 Executives who are second tier in the Ministries and Agencies. The areas discussed are Leadership Feedback System score, Read more..

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship 2019-20 - May 3, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) is pleased to announce the availability of six (3 for regular Humphery Fellowship Program and 3 under the Long-Term English (LTE) Training*),non-degree Hubert H.Humphery Fellowship for 2019-2020 academic year,Read more…