Vacancy Announcement at SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) - July 11, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce the availability of vacancy for Senior Programme Specialist (Priority Setting & Program Development) at SAARC Agriculture Center for employment. Read more..

Vacancy Announcement (Lateral Transfer)-Program Officer - July 9, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the vacancy for lateral transfer within same Super Structure Group in the following Position:

Announcement- shortlisted candidates (Messenger) - July 6, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Messenger. Read More

Vacancy Re-announcement-Dy. Chief Human Resource Officer - July 6, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for the  posts  of Dy. Chief Human Resource Officer. Read More

2018 Indian Forestry Service (IFS)-Interview Result - July 6, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the interview result of 2018 Indian Forestry Service (IFS) which was held on June 25, 2018. Read More

Notification-Go to Person - July 5, 2018

As per the decision of the 136th Commission meeting held on June 12,2018,the Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that the “Go to Person”has been established with the Civil Service Support Desk under the Well-Being Services for sexual harassment in the Civil Service of Bhutan.Read More