Executive Vacancy…, - May 15, 2019

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce five executive vacancies for in-service civil servants.

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Quarterly Reports on Executive Travel - May 15, 2019

In line with the decision of the 3rd Commission Meeting held on May 7, 2019, to strengthen effective planning and management of the Leadership Development Programme, all HR Divisions/Services are directed to submit quarterly reports onTravel (ex-country) of  Executives.

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Amendment to Section and, e, f of Chapter 26 of BCSR 2018 - May 15, 2019

The Royal Civil Service Commission vide it’s 3rd Commission Meeting held on May 7, 2019 amended Section and, e, f, of Chapter 26 on Executive and Specialist, Bhutan Civil Service Rules & Regulation, 2018 as follows:

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Nomination for Energy Policy - May 8, 2019

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to invite nominations for eligible candidates to pursue relevant Masters in Energy Policy under Government of Japan/JICA funding Read More…

Government of Japan (MEXT) Scholarship (2020) - May 8, 2019

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of various scholarships under the Government of Japan’s MEXT Scholarship Program for the academic year 2020 as detailed below Read More…

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship 2020 - May 8, 2019

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the availability of six (3 for regular Humphrey Fellowship Program and 3 under the Long-Term English (LTE) Training*), non-degree Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships for 2020-2021 academic year:read more