Distinction medal for Masters - November 8, 2018

Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Kencho for receiving Distinction medal for Masters in Economics from the National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand. Read more

BCSE 2018: Viva Voce Venue for PGDE and Dzongkha Category - October 17, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to announce that the viva voce venue for PGDE and Dzongkha Read more..

Re-Prioritized Vacancies for Technical Service: BCSE 2018 - September 26, 2018

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the re-prioritized vacancies for the Professional & Management Category (Technical) to be selected through the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2018. Read more..

BCSE 2018 candidates : Postal Ballot Facilitation Booth - September 7, 2018

The BCSE 2018 candidates who have opted for postal ballot facilitation booth to vote in the 3rd National Assembly Election are requested to report to Department of Youth and Sports, above the swimming pool, to avail the facility on 7th September, 2018 and 8th September, 2018 during office hours.

Government Order - September 4, 2018

His Majesty The King commanded that “As we approach the elections, we must bear in mind the foundations of our unique and especial Bhutanese identity established by Zhabdrung Rinpoche,54 Desi, Read more..

Secretary for the National Environment Commission Appointed., - August 28, 2018

In line with the decision of 143rd Commission Meeting held on August 21, 2018, Sonam Phuntsho Wangdi, Director General/EX2A, Department of Hydro Power & Power System, Ministry of Economic Affairs Read more..